A Few of the Ways You can Put Arbutus Analytics to Work in Government
- Tax
Compliance - Financial
Management - Grant
Management - Social
Service - Budget
Management - Health
Tax Compliance
- Identify sales made exempt of tax to confirm propriety
- Reconcile general ledger sales to financial statements and tax returns
- Summarize electronic tax returns to reconcile taxable earnings to payroll tax annual returns (gross earnings)
Financial Management
- Calculate the year-end balance for each account, compare to prior year and identify variances
- Determine whether journal vouchers are corrected on a timely basis for accuracy
- Identify duplicate payments (e.g. same amounts, common dates, etc.)
- Identify infrequently used financial codes
- Perform trend analysis of expenditures for each month, compare between departments, and test for large and small monthly expenditures
Grant Management
- Examine records to determine compliance with regulations regarding maintenance of government vehicles or equipment
- Extract and review expense eligibility for grant compliance
- Extract eligible expenditures and report on applicable grants
- Extract transactions (purchases and sales) of assets funded by grants to ensure compliance with grant requirements
- Extract transactions by funding code, fiscal year, and obligation control level, and compare to encumbrances
Social Service
- Perform fuzzy and exact testing of government benefits to identify potential cross jurisdictional recipients
- Examine demographics, including age, sex, ethnicity, primary reason for placement, goal set for final living arrangement, type of care provided, distributions on number of placement changes
- Examine time frames regarding services provided, length of government involvement, time in foster care or shelter care, timeliness of reviews and hearings
- Examine timeliness of health, dental, and mental health examinations or assessments
- Identify children being counted in custody who should not be included (i.e. over the statutory allowed age or adopted with no subsidy)
- Profile file review results by type, by office, by region, by type of case category, with descriptions of levels of compliance within requirement areas
- Profile referrals by type, by severity, by office, by case disposition
Budget Management
- Extract and report on capital projects in specified classifications
- Extract projects requiring debentures and amounts
- Identify key indicators of completed projects
- Identify unfinanced or unexpended capital projects
- Monitor expenditures for eligibility and compliance to appropriations
- Monitor expenditures with respect to budget allowance
- Provide totals, averages and trends for program spending
- Review allocation to budget requests
Health Service
- Analyze trends in billing practices of providers over a period of time to check for fraudulent billing
- Calculate the period from receipt of claim to adjudication of claim and compare actual cycle time with contractually required cycle time
- Check eligibility file of claims administrator against department eligibility file to ensure accuracy
- Check for duplicate payments to claimants and providers
- Compare service dates to employee dates of service to ensure claims are not paid for terminated, deceased or retired employees
Material de Referencia
Note 1: Some of the content (images and texts) used in this page are property of Arbutus Software